Thursday, February 9, 2012


This is an interesting photo for me. I have been thinking about it all day. This image is basically my photographic interpretation of this album cover. I think how it turned out is alright, not as spectacular as I would have hoped. But it's also an interesting photograph in that it took me forever to edit because it's more of a photographic manipulation instead of just a straight photograph. Which, if you talked to me a year and a half ago when I started photography, I would have been totally against. It's interesting to me to see how much I have changed in my photography since I became interested in it. I now see it as more of an art form than I did before, and I have began taking larger liberties with my photographs, such as the editing in this. Overall, I think that is a very good thing. I am an artist!

Anyways, about my day: it was a thursday. That pretty much sums it up. Although, it was the best thursday I've had in a long time. I actually enjoy my classes on B days now.